How to Make your Insta Bio Attractive 2023

 How to Make your Insta Bio Attractive 2023. In this article, we will talk about the best bio for Instagram. If you not know how to make your Insta bio attractive. Then this article gonna help you a lot. To know how to make Insta bio attractive you need to follow Instagram bio ideas to get followers requirements. But I think you not know what's the requirements of Instagram bio ideas to attract followers. Today, I will give you some tips about how to make an attractive bio for Instagram within a minutes.

How to Make your Insta Bio Attractive

How to Make your Insta Bio Attractive

What's up guys, Usam here with another article of Pro Instagram Tips. Starting this, one out on Instagram and today, I'm going to tell you how to make your Insta bio attractive.

So, I'm gonna swipe over to the home screen here and then I'm gonna go to my profile page in the bottom right of the tab bar and then here we'll be able to see my bio.

This is probably a bad example actually but I'll just hit edit profile and then we can tap on bio and we can see that there is no way to do a return or like add another line I'm gonna had done.

But if we close this out and then we open up something like notes where you can edit text, I want to create a new note. So, I've done multiple lines and sort of created a description.

It's good to use like an emoji or a bullet point or something like that. So, people can scan it quickly and figure out what you're all about and then do a few things that describe you or give a visual or something like that.

So, people know what you're all about when they go to your profile and see your bio and from here we can just select all of this by tapping on it and then head to copy hit done go back to Instagram get a date profile.

Then I'm gonna tap in the bio and just delete all of that and then I'm gonna tap again and hit paste. Now, I can see here it's created multiple lines and I can actually edit these here.

However, if I delete a line, it won't let me add that back unless. I go back to notes and then paste it back in here, so there we have four lines. I think you can add more, you have a character count here down on the bottom right.

So, I could add like a hundred more characters but I'm not gonna do that right now. I'm just gonna hit done and there I can see it's created a better looking pile with multiple lines that sort of describe.

Exactly, what I do and emojis that help visualize that as well. And then it's always good to have like an arrow or a finger or something pointing down and your link just because it will generate more clicks on that.

So, there you have it just some small tips to get you started to editing your bio. You can play around with it and get it to do pretty much anything you want just remember that you can't add returns in the Instagram app.

You have to go to some sort of editing tool or a Notes app and then copy and paste it in to get those extra lines there. All these things will be very beneficial for you.

How to Add Pronouns to Instagram Bio

I'm going to tell you how to add pronouns to Instagram bio. So here we are on the home page of the Instagram app. We just want to go to our profile down there in the bottom right corner.

And there's a brand new feature that allows you to add pronouns next to your name here in your bio. I'm also wondering if it appears on comments and stuff like that.

So, we can test that out as well what we want to do is tap edit profile and you'll see a brand new thing right here that says pronoun. Therefore, we want to tap on that you'll have a toggle that says show to followers only.

So, that's up to you do you want to show this to everyone just leave it off. If you want to show it to followers only turn that up. Next Thing you'll need to do is type there's a bunch of different pronouns. I don't even know what they all are what they mean.

But like the most popular ones are going to be like he, him, his, she, her. So, I can do like him says, I can add up to five of these he knee done. So, now you'll see that there's a few pronouns there added on my bio tap done and when we refresh this.

You'll see that shows there right next to my name. So, let's go ahead and test this on a comment. I don't see it next to my name on comments or anything like that it's really only if you go to your bio.

It's going to show those pronouns next to your name. So, if you're into that sort of thing you can add those um, I don't personally think that, I need them. I don't need to flex that. I'm a male or anything there we go you can remove them.

The same way that you add them there's how to add pronouns in your Instagram bio. You have grow your Instagram very quickly in these ways. So quickly get rid of these tips and be successful you future. So do not wait for any further time waste.

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